I'm an interaction designer, creative technologist and artist working in the field of robotics, gaming, generative design and experimental digital sound synthesis. Sometimes I also work as an educator giving electronic and robotic workshops for children. My goal is to create useful and entertaining machines and contraptions which are easy to grasp for everyone. I would call it Unterhaltungselektronik.
I'm making the things sound and move.
Since autumn 2021 I'm running the electronics lab at the University of the Arts Bremen.
born 1989 in Munich, Germany.
relevant studies
2011-2014: apprenticeship as media designer for audiovisual media at cine+ in Berlin
2014-2018: bachelor of arts in digital media at the University of the Arts Bremen
2018-2021: master of arts in digital media at the University of the Arts Bremen
exhibitions and performances
04/2016: EMAF European Media Art Festival Osnabrück - performance with the gammaphon
10/2016: PUSH! conference Munich - exhibition of gammaphon
12/2017: Eniarof at EFEST Tunis - creation and exhibition of Lucy Loves You and Find Me I‘m Famous
02/2018: MiniMakerFaire at Carreau du Temple in Paris - exhibition of Lucy Loves You and Find Me I‘m Famous
03/2018: Eniarof at centre culturel franco-guinéen in Conakry, Guinea - exhibition of Find Me I‘m Famous
04/2018: Eniarof at AMAZE Festival Berlin - exhibition of Lucy Loves You and Find Me I‘m Famous
06/2018: Eniarof at Malakoff - creation of Foofa Handicup and exhibition of Lucy Loves You and Find Me I‘m Famous
02/2019: LOWTECHNOFUTURE at Hochschultage HfK Bremen - exhibition of lowres reality, DymFT and PUNKFRATZ
04/2019: RawDataMaterialNarration at Tor13 Bremen - exhibition of the pencam
04/2019: Finder at Kuss Rosa Bremen - exhibition of PUNKFRATZ
06/2019: Anachronism at MS Stubnitz, Hamburg and at Schwankhalle, Bremen - performance with fizzi
06/2019: HfK Jahresausstellung at Hulsberg Crowd Bremen - exhibition and performance of/with fizzi, 3rd place winner of the „Frese-Design-Preis“
09/2020: Phaenomenal Wolfsburg at phæno science center - creation and exhibition of Smart Fairy Tale
04/2021: Poetic Machines at gallery artoxin Munich - group exhibition with Bojana Petkovic and Noriyuki Suzuki
05/2022: Eniarof at Les 8 Pillards in Marseille - exhibition of FOOFA Handicup and creation of office Job
07/2022: RitschRatschKlickKlack soundmachine workshop at Tor 40 in Bremen
09/2022: RitschRatschKlickKlack soundmachine workshop at at.tension Festival in Lärz
10/2022: PLAY!22 Festival in Hamburg - exhibition of office Job
11/2022: HfK Jahresausstellung at BLG Forum Bremen - exhibition of Pankraz Piktograph
03/2023: Tinguely Museum Basel - Soundsurium workshop
05/2023: RitschRatschKlickKlack soundmachine workshop for realtime festival Bremen at Weserburg Museum für Moderne Kunst
06/2023: Under Construction exhibition at Le Pavillon in Namur - exhibition of office job, creation of the disco lift
07/2023: RitschRatschKlickKlack soundmachine workshop at Tor 40 in Bremen
03/2024: Hack 'n Art Workshop for HEAJ & Le Pavillon in Namur
05/2024: RitschRatschKlickKlack soundmachine workshop for 105Viertel at JUPITER Hamburg